Joseph Deng

Joseph Deng

Software Engineer

I am a software engineer with experience in JavaScript, React, Redux, Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Node, and Express. I'm passionate about problem solving, learning new technologies, and writing clean, efficient code.



YouCast is a clone of the popular video sharing site YouTube. This web app allows users to upload, view, comment, search, and like/dislike shared videos. It was built with React, Redux, JavaScript, Rails, Amazon Web Service S3 and PostgreSQL.
See it live | GitHub


Sunday Market

Sunday Market is a web app that lets people buy and sell homemade food in their local communities. This app was built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React/Redux, and Node.js).
See it live | GitHub


Crush 3

Crush 3 is a an interactive single player game written in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The game was inspired by Candy Crush.
Play it here | Github



A strategy board game built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Play it here | GitHub


Algorithm Visualizer

A tool that I built using React for visualizing algorithms.
Try it here | GitHub


Project Name

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